Why Do I Get Eye Strain After Using My Pixel 3? (Find Out Here!)

pixel 3 eye strain

Here’s the topic for today: Do the Pixel 3 and eye strain go together like peanut butter and jelly? Several owners of the Pixel 3 have reported that eye strain is something that is commonly experienced after a long smartphone session. Believe it or not, there’s actually a reason for this is- namely the PWM … Read more

Do Tablets Have SIM Cards? (Solved)

do tablets have sim cards

 Tablet- as you tech-savvy geniuses reading this sentence no doubt already know- is a handy amalgamation of a computer and a smartphone.  It is smaller than a laptop or a notebook, but bigger than a phone. It comes with a mobile operating system and has certain functionalities of a personal computer. Some tablets have removable … Read more

Why Is My Hotspot Speed Different Than Phone Data?

Hotspot Speed

Ever found yourself puzzled, staring at your device and wondering why your hotspot speed doesn’t match your phone data? You’re not alone! In our tech-dominated world, the difference can feel like comparing a sprinter with a marathon runner – both are in the race, but their speeds aren’t the same. Ready to uncover the secret … Read more

Does Find My Friends Work When Your Phone Is Off? (SOLVED- 2022)

does find my friends work when your phone is off

Find My Friends is an excellent app designed to help you locate your friends and loved ones. It has proven over and over to be very useful in keeping everyone in the loop, in addition to being very beneficial for ensuring everyone you care for is safe! Many people do wonder a simple question, however: … Read more

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Why Does My iPhone Keep Showing 1 Percent Battery? (Sad Reason…)

1 percent battery iphone

There’s nothing sadder than a phone that won’t hold a charge. You know, the one where you charge, and charge, and leave plugged in overnight- only to wake up the next morning to a 1% battery symbol. If your iPhone is always showing 1% battery life on the top right of the screen- even though … Read more

Categories iOS

Why Are Pixel Phones So Expensive? (Our Take)

why are pixel phones so expensive

There’s a lot to love about Google- ‘Do No Evil’, being the biggest and best search engine, The Internship; all of that– but still, we can’t help but ask the same question as many others before us: Just why are Pixel phones so expensive? There are various theories and ideas about the reasoning behind the … Read more