4 Simple Ways to Backup WhatsApp iPhone to PC (iOS 17 Supported)

In this digital age, where precious memories and crucial information reside within our WhatsApp conversations, ensuring their safety has become paramount. This is precisely why understanding how to back up WhatsApp iPhone to PC has gained immense significance. Whether it’s a switch to a new device, accidental data loss, or simply creating extra space on … Read more

Why Does Samsung Email Need Phone Permissions? (Solved!)

why does samsung email need phone permission

Samsung Email is an email client, exclusive to Samsung devices (duh), that allows the owner to conveniently access multiple email accounts all from the same place. As an example, if you have two or more email addresses, you are able to access them all at once through Samsung Email. The app also allows EAS integration … Read more

Does The Apple Watch Call 911 If Your Heart Stops?

does apple watch call 911 if your heart stops

Apple advertises its watch as a device with life-saving features. It would certainly be an innovative feature if the watch were able to call for help in scenarios of serious medical emergencies! So, the question today is: Does the Apple Watch call 911 if your heart stops? This is unfortunately not a feature of Apple … Read more

Categories iOS

Why Is There A White Loading Circle On My iPhone Pictures? (SOLVED!)

It’s certainly not pleasant to be met with a blurred picture or a loading circle when trying to browse your iPhone pictures. However, it is possible to fix this issue. White loading circles tend to occur because the photos that you think are saved in your phone gallery are actually not! Instead, they are usually … Read more

Categories iOS

Why Are Blocked Numbers Still Coming Through On My Samsung Phone?

In a world of constant connectivity and speedy accessibility, there are times when we need a break from communication. Despite modern applications and features that allow us to distance ourselves from the social world – e.g. Flight Mode, Do Not Disturb, and Sleep Time – there are certain situations where the old function of blocking … Read more

How To Unblock Restricted Calls In 2024: 3 Best Ways!

Phone calls are the next best thing to face-to-face communication. However, they can also be a source of significant grief and misery! When you talk with someone face-to-face, you can walk away and diffuse a contentious situation. You can also avoid face-to-face interaction until you feel ready to face them again. Calls, on the other … Read more

How Long Does An iPhone X Battery Last? (REVEALED! 2024)

how long does iphone x battery last

So, you’re one of the stalwarts (like me) that are still sticking loyally with their iPhone X? Well, good for you! The iPhone X is a premium device and features a minimalistic design that supports the latest iOS 15 software update, so it’s still perfectly adequate for everyday use even in 2022. But just how … Read more

Categories iOS

Should You Charge An iPhone Before First Use? (REVEALED! 2024)

It should come as no surprise that this question is one that a lot of people have when purchasing a new iPhone. And it’s not just specific to iPhones either; users of other smartphone brands usually have the same question as well! iPhones typically come with batteries at around 50% capacity right out of the … Read more

Categories iOS