What Does “Service Not Activated On Network” Mean? (REVEALED! 2024)

Let’s cut straight to the chase. What exactly does “Service not activated on the network” mean? “Service not activated on network” is a prompt for users that restricts their access to certain features on phones or devices (such as texting). This restriction can be due to a user not enabling MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service). It’s … Read more

Are AirPods OSHA Approved? (All You Need To Know!)

are airpods osha approved

It is not at all uncommon for employees to want to listen to music while at their workplace. At certain times, the right tunes can be really helpful in reducing the stress that one often encounters on the job. However, there are certain occupations and working environments where it is imperative that a person stays … Read more

Categories iOS

Does AirDrop Use Data In 2024? (ANSWERED!)

does airdrop use data

AirDrop is an Apple Inc. ad hoc service that is available in the macOS and iOS operating systems. It allows every owner and user of supported Apple devices to transfer files using wireless, point-to-point communication at close range. If you’re here wondering, “Does AirDrop use data?” The answer is that the service does not require … Read more

Categories iOS

Can You Shower With An iPhone XS? (We’ll Show You!)

You may be wondering why there are people asking whether they can shower with an iPhone XS. (Well, actually, you’re probably one of them.) Other people have similarly wondered if you can shower with an iPhone 11, or a Samsung S10. We’ve answered both those questions, and we’re going to answer this one too. Given … Read more

Categories iOS

My Phone Restarts When Connected To WiFi. Why? (SOLVED! 2024) 

Connection to wifi causes phone to restart

The internet is quickly becoming irreplaceable as mobile usage reaches an all-time high.  Increasingly, a smooth and uninterrupted connection is necessary to get the best experience from smartphone apps. Therefore, a malfunctioning phone is the last thing you need when you’re about to go online! However, it’s been discovered that sometimes a connection to Wi-Fi … Read more