What’s the Difference Between “Sent” and “Delivered”?

Every day we send messages through our smart devices and social media. Whether you are using email, text message, or social media, the importance of successfully sending messages is the same.  After sending the mail, we can notice two message statutes: “sent” and “delivered.” There is a big difference between “sent” and “delivered.” Moreover, they … Read more

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If a Phone Number Is Disconnected, Will It Ring? (Confirmed!)

if a phone number is disconnected will it ring

How’s this for the ultimate trivia question: If a phone number is disconnected, will it ring? We’ll tell you right now. No, a cell phone number that has been disconnected will not ring! For the most part, anyway. To elaborate: If a phone number is disconnected before the call, it will not ring at all. … Read more

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Why Do My Pictures Look Like Negatives? (SOLVED! 2024)

Why Do My Pictures Look Like Negatives

Apple is world-renowned for producing the most popular and iconic smartphones of the 21st century.  It improves its state-of-the-art technology every year to cater to consumers’ needs and wants. As a result, every feature of the iPhone works together seamlessly to ensure that they’re both practical and aesthetic.  “So, why do my pictures look like … Read more

How To Make An App Forget Your Device (Easy Solution!)

how to make an app forget your device

Life has become much simpler in certain respects with the emergence of numerous wonderful apps. Creations downloaded from the App Store can provide you with entertainment, food, and all kinds of services that are easily accessible at your fingertips. But are you aware that some of the apps on your phone know everything about your … Read more

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Why Is My Charger Turning Yellow? (SOLVED! 2024)

Why Is My Charger Turning Yellow?

Have you recently found yourself wondering, ”Why is my charger turning yellow?” In short: Your phone charger is turning yellow most likely due to overheating.  While it is possible to remove the yellow stains, believe us when we say you’d much rather prevent this kind of overheating in the first place!  By doing so, you’ll … Read more

Do You Get Missed Calls When Your Phone Is Off? (SOLVED!)

do you get missed calls when your phone is off

At some point in your life, you’ve likely yearned to take a vacation and turn your phone off for several weeks (at least). But as technology has become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, this may no longer be a realistic option for most people. There’s always another notification to see, text message to read, … Read more

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If I Unblock Someone On Messenger, Will They Know? (+Other FAQ’s!)

if i unblock someone on messenger will they know

One question that Messenger users may find themselves asking at times is, “If I unblock someone on Messenger, will they know?” The good news is that Facebook won’t actively notify your ex or any of your old high school frenemies if you unblock them on Messenger. Unless someone is tracking you quite closely on the … Read more

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Is It Ok To Put Your Phone On Top Of The Microwave? (SOLVED!)

phone on top of microwave

The top of your microwave may seem like a convenient place to put your things if you have a small kitchen with limited counter space.  But a question that you might have is: Is it ok to put your phone on top of the microwave? In short: Probably not- but only really when the microwave … Read more

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