If you have been on Snapchat for a while, you have probably heard people throwing around the term “Snapchat Score.”
The Snapchat Score is a brilliant method for encouraging users to use the app more frequently.
Every user has a score written next to their usernames, visible both to themselves and their Snapchat friends.
Snapchat calculates the score with an algorithm-influenced equation based on your activities in the app.
What this means is that you can’t earn points without using the app.
So, in response to the question, “Can your Snapchat Score go up without opening the app?”:
The answer is no; your Snapchat Score cannot go up without opening the app!
Typically, your Snapchat Score increases only when you use the app and remains the same if you are inactive.
However, there is an exception.
The only time you can earn points without doing anything is when Snapchat gives you reward points.
That happens rarely, and you need to be active to claim the rewards.
Consequently, we can still say you cannot increase your Snapchat without using the app!
Don’t worry though.
In this article we’ll explain when Snapchat gives reward points, what makes your score go up, and how you can increase your score thoroughly in this article. Let’s get started!
What Makes Your Snap Score Go Up?
The primary thing that makes your Snapchat Score go up is being active in the app.
However, it’s definitely not enough to just open and scroll through the app.
As we briefly touched on above, Snapchat uses a unique formula to calculate your Snapchat Score.
This algorithm mainly considers these factors when calculating your mark:
- The number of Snaps you have sent and received
- Snap stories you’ve posted
- How many friends you have
- How many Discover videos you’ve watched
Additionally, you can sometimes receive bonus reward points from Snapchat if you haven’t been active for a long time.
These reward points are designed to help you to keep up with your friends’ scores, and to get you excited again about using the app!
If you want those figures to keep rising and show how influential you are in the Snap game, you need to use the app as much as possible.
This means taking those snaps (even with a faulty zoomed-in camera) and interacting more with others.
Unfortunately, not every minute you spend on the app will contribute to an increasing Snapchat Score.
For example, sending or receiving messages on the app doesn’t impact your Score. Instead, try exchanging Snaps with your friends!
Also, spending time watching stories will not increase your Snapchat Score either. Rather than doing that, try spending more time on the Discover page if you want to gain some points.
Lastly, make sure you open every Snap you receive, as your Snap Score won’t increase with unopened Snaps. Besides, doing so enhances your chances of keeping up with your streaks!
How Often Does Your Snapchat Score Update?
One activity that affects your Snap Score immediately is sending and receiving Snaps. After doing so, you’ll instantly see your own Snap Score go up.
However, you cannot see the changes in others’ Snap scores as quickly.
That’s because there is a time limit that delays making changes in the Snap Scores of others visible to you for security reasons.
This is usual practice, and perfectly normal. It may take a couple of minutes, hours, or sometimes even days for you to see the updated scores of others!
On the other hand, you can occasionally experience unusual delays in your own Snap score updates.
Worldwide, 293 million people actively use Snapchat on a daily basis. As a result, there can be overwhelming pressure on Snapchat’s servers at times, and scores may temporarily stop updating.
Even if you experience that, there’s no need to worry!
It doesn’t mean that your scores are entirely lost; they should be back to normal and update themselves after a short period.
If it doesn’t update automatically after some time, you can always notify Snapchat Support services and request help.
Additionally, there are some rare cases where Snapchat Scores will display as zero. This usually (and understandably) generates a significant degree of worry or panic!
However, this is typically caused by a bug and shouldn’t be permanent. Try logging out of the Snapchat app and back in again to resolve this issue!
Does Your Snap Score Increase Per Snap?
Yes. In general, your Snap Score increases per Snap- but not with every Snap.
To figure out the exact points you will get, you need to know how the Snapchat Score is calculated. Here is a breakdown of the Snapchat Score formulas:
- First of all, you gain a point for sending a Snap, and one for opening a Snap. However, you do not receive points for sending and receiving messages on the app.
- You gain a point if you add a Snap to your story, but nothing if you watch other people’s stories.
- If you have not been active on Snapchat for a while, the first Snap you send on the app will add six points to your score.
Besides sending and receiving Snaps, you get points for adding friends and using the app frequently.
The points you earned may take a while to register on your Snapchat Score, and may all come at once.
Tips For Raising Your Snapchat Score More Easily
Contrary to popular belief, your Snapchat Score is not entirely useless!
You can use your high Snapchat Score to unlock certain trophies on the app, securing yourself some bragging rights in the process.
Snapchat can also reward you for achieving milestones on the app with special emojis and filters.
Following that, you can use these rewards to make even more creative snaps!
Below, We’ve got some tips to help you increase your points even faster and achieve the milestones more quickly than ever before.
Have Consistent Snapstreaks
Snapstreak is the number of consecutive days that you’ve been exchanging Snaps with a friend.
If you exchange Snaps with someone two days in a row, a fire emoji appears next to their name. The number next to the fire emoji shows the period of your streak.
You get 24 hours before your Snapstreak breaks, and can maintain your Snapchat streak by exchanging snaps with friends at least once a day.
Get More Friends
It can be challenging to increase your Snapchat Score if you only have a few friends, as it limits the number of Snaps you will receive and the people who view your stories.
You can raise your Score more quickly by expanding your circle of buddies. The more friends you have, the higher the amount of connections and interactions you’ll have on the app!
You can add new Snapchat friends from your Contacts, Search, Snapcode, or Quick Add if you know their username.
Send Snaps Instead Of Chatting
Sometimes, you may feel like chatting on Snapchat is more convenient than sending Snaps- and this is definitely true on some occasions.
However, chatting on Snapchat doesn’t contribute to your Snap Score at all!
If you want to increase your score, you need to switch from chatting to Snapping, pronto.
Top Tip: Even if you don’t feel like taking a photo, you can cover the camera and take a “blank” photo. Then, you can type on it and get the best of both worlds!
Where To Find Your Snapchat Score
You can find your Snapchat Score by swiping down on the Snapchat camera screen. You will then see the score next to your username.
Additionally, you’ll be able to view the number of Snaps you have sent and received so far by tapping on your Snapchat Score.
If you want to see your friends’ Snapchat Scores, swipe on their names and tap on the icon with three blue lines in the top left corner.
Their score also will be next to their username. Keep in mind that to see someone’s Snap Score, you must be friends on Snapchat.
How To Hide Your Snapchat Score
Many Snapchat users love to keep their Snapchat Scores high and show it off.
Some see their privacy as a priority, and don’t want to make their interactions public or regard it as just a number.
You may want to hide your Snapchat Score for a variety of reasons!
Unfortunately, there’s no privacy setting that allows you to prevent certain people or even every user from seeing your Snapchat Score.
Anyone who has access to your profile can see your score.
Luckily, people can only access your profile on Snapchat if you become friends with them (unless you have a public profile, that is).
Therefore, the only way to hide your Snapchat Score from people is not to add them as friends, or to remove them from your Friends list entirely if you are already friends.
Additionally, if you prefer being more discreet about your score and your profile, you can limit who can become friends with you on Snapchat by changing your privacy settings.
Changing Your Privacy Settings
You can easily control who can see your profile and add you as a friend on Snapchat.
Here’s how to do it:
- Open the app and tap on your Bitmoji.
- Go to your ‘Settings’ menu.
- Scroll down the list of “Privacy Controls” options.
When you select that, you will see different options; you can then choose between the options of “My Friends” or “Only Me.”
Additionally, even if you allow “Everyone” to add you as a friend, you still have the option to ignore their request.
They can’t get into your “Friends List” unless you accept their request!
If you want to make your profile even more challenging to find, you can turn off the “See Me in Quick Add” setting.
That way, your profile will not be suggested in the Quick Add feature at all.
In Summary
In short, we can safely say that your Snapchat Score cannot go up without opening the app.
Snapchat calculates your score according to your activities on the app. You earn points for sending and receiving Snaps, sharing stories, adding friends, and continuing streaks.
Merely messaging or having unopened Snaps won’t increase your Snapchat Score.
In fact, the only time you can earn points by being inactive is when you are back on using the app after a while. In that situation, you’ll get six points for the first Snap you share.
Therefore, if you want to keep your Snapchat Score high, make sure you’re actively and frequently using the app and have many friends to exchange Snaps with. Happy Snapping!