What Does “Wireless Update” Mean For Android Devices? (ANSWERED- 2024)

Smartphones have become an integral part of most peoples’ daily lives. They provide a variety of beneficial functions, ranging from communication to entertainment, information, GPS, and more. All of these features are designed to run smoothly- as long as the phone is properly functioning. To function properly, your phone requires regular updates to ensure that … Read more

What Does APK Stand For?


If you’ve ever used an Android device, you may have encountered the term APK and wondered what it meant. The acronym usually comes up when you want to install an application or download a file. Android Package Kit (APK) is a file extension that can refer to either an Android application package or the Android … Read more

Why Does My Phone Smell Like Nail Polish Remover?

Phone Smell

You will see different electronic components inside if you ever open your smartphone. These are stuff you don’t see every day. Apart from the hardware parts, you’ll see that companies glue some stuff using adhesives. The glue might loosen if you use your smartphone for games or it gets heated up. So, if you ever … Read more

Does Samsung Gear Work With Google Pixel?

does samsung gear work with google pixel

Samsung Gear is a line of wearables produced by the South Korean brand.  The products were added to the Galaxy lineup in 2018 and are now addressed by the same name.  A few of the famous wearables include the Samsung Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Fit, which both require the Galaxy Wearable app on a connected … Read more

Why Is My Charger Turning Yellow? (SOLVED! 2024)

Why Is My Charger Turning Yellow?

Have you recently found yourself wondering, ”Why is my charger turning yellow?” In short: Your phone charger is turning yellow most likely due to overheating.  While it is possible to remove the yellow stains, believe us when we say you’d much rather prevent this kind of overheating in the first place!  By doing so, you’ll … Read more

Can You Undo “Always Open With” on Android Phones?

Android Phones

Ever tapped “Always” instead of “Just Once” when opening a file on your Android phone, only to regret it moments later? You’re not alone. This common mishap can lead to a default app taking over tasks you’d rather assign elsewhere. But don’t worry, there’s a way to reverse this decision, and it’s simpler than you … Read more