In olden times, people used landline telephones with no caller ID. Therefore, there was no way of knowing who was calling unless you picked up the call and talked. With time, we moved on to mobile phones and more convenient ways of communication. Now we can instantly see the ID of the person calling us.
However, some scammers have found a way around these caller IDs. People can easily hide their identity using some help from the internet. Therefore, you may receive calls from suspicious numbers. If you receive a phone call with all zeros, the person is trying to mask their identity.
What Happens if You Get a Call From 000-000-0000?
A call from 000-000-0000 means that the caller does not want to provide you with your identity. This is common practice with scammers and is usually called ID spoofing. It is a technique where people, primarily scammers, call people while hiding behind a different number.
With the advancement in technology, it has become convenient to hide your caller ID. Anyone can use the internet to hide the actual number and replace it with zeros such as 000-000-0000. Moreover, numerous applications are available on mobile phones to hide the caller’s ID.
Even if you try checking the caller’s IDs on these applications, you will not succeed. Therefore, do not waste your time figuring out who the caller is. However, these callers cannot do anything unless you provide the information they seek. Therefore, if you ignore these calls for some time, the scammers will eventually stop.
So, when you receive these calls, do not let your mind start racing about whether or not these numbers are safe. A simple call cannot invade your privacy or cause any damage to you.
Things You Should Know About These Calls

Most people freak out when they receive a call from a number consisting of all zeros. You should keep your composure and not panic. Always keep in mind that people can not harm you by just calling on your phone number.
However, getting a call from such a number now and then is not a big deal. There are fraudulent companies that pose as legitimate organizations whose primary goal is to scam people.
Such companies devise elaborate schemes to con people for personal information. The internet is filled with stories where people fall prey to these frauds. These scammers might impersonate your bank manager or a staff member from a hospital and ask for banking and personal details.
People sometimes believe these scammers and give up their personal information. This wastes your time and can also result in getting looted. Therefore, it is best to ignore these calls.
What Should I Do if I Get a Call From All Zeros?
As mentioned above, getting calls from such a number should not concern you too much. Remember that these scammers pick numbers at random and try to get information out of you. Therefore, you should decline the call.
Some applications can filter these spam calls. When several people report the call as spam, these applications mark these numbers. Sometimes, when these spam numbers call you, the applications automatically decline the call. Even if they do not reject the call, they notify you by either changing the color or in some other way. Therefore, you can manually decline such numbers.
Sometimes, international calls also get masked. So, when you receive a call with all zeros, there is a possibility a relative or acquaintance is calling you from abroad. However, if you cannot think of anyone who would call, you can ignore it.
Sometimes, telemarketing companies also call you after hiding their number. The goal of these companies is to sell you the product, and therefore, there is no potential harm in these calls. However, to be safe, you should avoid answering the calls unless you are 100% sure about the caller.
If you pick up such a call, maintain your calm. Again, the individuals behind these calls can not harm you unless you provide personal information willingly.
Fun Fact

Some investigators of paranormal activities have entirely different views about phone numbers with all zeros. These investigators believe that numbers such as 000-000-0000 are from the ghosts of deceased humans. It is thought that these entities try to communicate with their loved ones before moving on to the afterlife.
They might try to communicate because of some unfinished business. Some entities try to communicate with their loved ones to bid farewell. Meanwhile, some ghosts cannot move on without exacting their revenge on people who wronged them while they were alive.
The paranormal investigators believe that a phone call is the most accessible form of communication for the ghosts. The reason is that the spirits require massive amounts of energy to interact with the material world and physical objects. Whereas reaching out to someone through a phone requires the least energy.
Some investigators even believe that demons and poltergeists take advantage of the situation when energy levels are too low. They use the numbers with all zeros to contact humans and instill fear. The paranormal investigators call these spirits cyber-demons as they use phone calls to feed off of human emotions.
With that being said, this fun fact was not meant to scare you. It was just a piece of information that we thought we should share. If you do receive a call from 000-000-0000, just now that it’s a company or a scammer trying to hide their identity.
We live in a world where technology controls all aspects of our lives. We have numerous ways of communication that have made our lives easier. However, these means do not come without some disadvantages—the more methods of communication we have, the more ways people find to bother others.
Hiding the caller ID, commonly called spoofing, is a widespread phenomenon. The internet has all the information you need to hide your identity. Therefore, scammers take advantage of this opportunity to scam people.
However, you can avoid getting into sticky situations with scammers by simply ignoring the calls. When you receive such calls, know that these people cannot get to you, and it is totally up to you how you respond. So, stay safe by paying no attention to these calls.