LINE users cannot see the phone numbers of other users. LINE is a messaging application that allows instant chats and voice and Phone Numbers, video calls. Nevertheless, all calls on LINE happen through the app.
LINE does not need its users’ phone numbers to connect them to other users. Hence, you can only call other people who use the app.
If other LINE users can see your phone number, there is a high chance that they did not make the call through the application. Under no circumstance does LINE share user information with other customers?
Can Friends See Your Phone Numbers on Line?

Even if they are also LINE subscribers, your friends cannot see your phone number on the app. It could have been a problem if you signed up on LINE with your phone number, but this is false.
You only sign up with your phone number for identification. Also, you can sign up with your Facebook ID if you are worried about giving out your phone number.
Whether you sign up with Facebook or a phone number, LINE uses that identification to suggest friends on the app. LINE doesn’t show these friends your phone number, nor can you see theirs.
LINE does access your contact list to suggest friends to you. It will only mean people on your contact list who already use the Phone Numbers LINE application.
It doesn’t send them your phone number to add you; you can only do that on the app.
Moreover, your LINE ID is also not visible to anyone else. The only way people can find out is if you tell them yourself. LINE is particular about user privacy.
You can unlink your phone number from your Phone Numbers Line account if you’re still anxious. To do that, log in to the app, go to settings, then click on tabs.
A Facebook icon should pop up; choose it to access the website. If you do this, LINE will no longer be able to contact you at the number you provided.
You should uninstall and reinstall the app as the last step. After reinstallation, you can check again to ensure that LINE unlinked your phone number.
Is Line Safe to Use?

LINE is entirely safe to use. Calls and messages on LINE are secure and encrypted, ensuring privacy. If you do not disclose any information, be rest assured that LINE won’t do that either.
LINE keeps all user data secure and Phone Numbers confidential. However, if you want to be extra cautious, you can improve the security of your account by adding a password.
Of course, a password is only secure when Phone Numbers you don’t tell it to other people. Also, ensure the password is strong so people can’t just guess it.
Another way to secure your account is to beware of phishing. Please do not share your password or important information with anyone, regardless of why they are asking.
Your LINE verification code is for your use only, and it is useless to others; therefore, there is no need for them to know it.
If you are using LINE on multiple devices, you have to be careful when logging in and out, especially if one does not belong to you.
Your LINE account is safe to use. You need not worry about security if you don’t share your personal information.
In a world where everyone uses technology for communication, it is common to be anxious about privacy.
Many people worry about their information becoming accessible to others when using messaging applications.
However, LINE is safe, and you have no reason to worry. LINE understands that your phone number is private information.
That is why they optimized their application to make calls without needing a phone number.
If you signed up with a phone number on LINE, that doesn’t compromise your privacy. You have to sign up with personal information on Phone Numbers almost everything these days to help identify you in their database, which is the sole purpose of your phone number.
You can register with your Facebook if you don’t want to use your phone number. Other LINE users cannot see your phone number when they call or text you, nor will you see theirs.
If someone adds you on LINE, it is not because they saw your phone number but because LINE suggested you in their contact information.
You have nothing to worry about when you use LINE; their service is free, secure, and up-to-date.