Has your mobile phone’s touch screen become slow or unresponsive after getting exposed to water?
Maybe you recently took your device into the shower with you on a whim, and it hasn’t been the same ever since.
Touch screens are excellent when they work correctly, but that fact becomes irrelevant if they no longer function as designed and intended.
Even though water-resistant phones are becoming more common, we still hold our breath whenever we accidentally drop our phones in a swimming pool or (god forbid) a toilet.
Not every phone is waterproof, and even if they are, water and trapped moisture can still distort its features irreversibly.
In this Guide on How to Fix a Touch Screen Phone That Got Wet, we’ll run through a few quick and easy methods you can try if your touch screen phone has gotten wet.
In short, the initial process looks something like this:
- Turn your phone off
- Remove any parts that can be separated
- Dry with a soft cloth
- Leave your phone in a bag of rice (Yes, this works!)
And of course- try to stay calm! You will quickly find that the solutions below will most likely be able to reverse any potential phone damage in no time at all.
Can A Water-Damaged Phone Screen Be Fixed?

Yes, it is possible!
However, it is important that you take prompt action whenever you unintentionally drop your smartphone into water, or else it may result in permanent damage to the device.
You can fix a liquid-damaged phone screen by following a few simple methods.
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What You Shouldn’t Do If Your Touch Screen Gets Wet
If you don’t take precautions after your touch screen phone falls into a swimming pool or bathtub, you may have to say goodbye to your beloved mobile companion.
Before attempting any restorative method listed below, here are some things you should NOT do if your cell phone’s touch screen gets wet.
Try To Turn It Back On Immediately

Many people will instinctively try to reboot their smartphone after it gets wet.
However, that is the (very, extremely, positively worst) wrong thing to do!
It is extremely likely that pressing buttons and playing around with the phone will allow more water to enter the inner parts of the wet device- resulting in an inevitable short circuit.
Shake Or Blow On Your Smartphone
Please do not shake or blow on a wet smartphone for the same reasons stated above. Instead of fixing a water-damaged phone, you risk causing irreparable damage!
Putting Your Phone Into Sand

Sand cannot absorb moisture fast enough, so don’t be tempted to throw your phone into the sand if you are at the beach.
The grains can also enter the open ports of your phone and cause more damage.
How Do You Fix A Water-Damaged Touch Screen Phone?
If your phone’s touch screen has gotten wet, the first thing you need to do is assess the amount of water that entered the screen’s panel.
If there are only a few drops of water on the screen, wipe it off. Don’t miss the charging port! Usually, this is the only required step if the amount of water is minimal.
After wiping down the phone and making sure it’s dry, turn it on and check if it is now working.
Next, you should test the speakers. If everything seems okay, you don’t have to do anything- your phone is most likely fine!
However, if the spill was more than a few drops, then the procedure is a bit different. You will need to make a bigger effort to dry out your smartphone! Here are a few ways to speed up the drying process:
Turn Off Your Phone

Some people tend to lose total control of their emotions when something happens to their precious, expensive gadgets.
However, you should try your best not to panic after water spills on your phone.
Most importantly, you should avoid turning your phone on after it took an aquatic dip.
Doing so can actually cause more damage to the phone. Instead, you should completely shut down the smartphone.
You should also ensure you do not shake or move the phone too drastically.
This can cause the water to spread to other fragile parts of the phone, and make the drying process even more difficult.
Finally, unplug the phone if it is connected to a charger to prevent electrocution risks.
Disassemble The Removable Phone Parts
Remove both the SIM card and the SD memory card.
It would also be best to remove the battery, though with many phones this isn’t possible.
In most cases of water damage, phones fail because the water and moisture has gotten into and distorted the phone’s internal circuit system.
However, if you can turn off and dry your phone within 48 hours after exposure to the liquid, there is a good chance that it will work again.
Some people use a hairdryer or put their phones in the sun to get rid of as much water as possible.
Please avoid doing that because that kind of heat will be too intense for your phone and will only make matters worse!
Use A Soft Piece Of Cloth To Dry Your Phone
Dry the screen of your mobile device with a cloth towel or paper towel (do not use toilet paper as it will leave particles behind).
You should try to remove even the smallest drop of water from the surface of your phone.
While doing this, be as gentle as possible and try not to press any buttons on the device. This will prevent more water from reaching other parts inside the phone.
Simply place the cloth over the liquid and allow it to soak in for a few seconds. Do this quickly, so droplets do not roll into the open components of your phone.
Immerse The Smartphone In A Bag Of Rice

After cleaning the touch screen, SIM card, SD card, and any other detachable components, your next goal is to remove the remaining liquid inside the phone.
Again, we would not recommend using a hairdryer, oven, or microwave (incoming static screen!) for this task.
It may seem obvious, but some people really do try! High temperatures can melt a smartphone’s internal components.
Instead, you can use the infamous rice bag technique to dry any moisture that may have entered inside your smartphone.
Rice can not only absorb moisture but provides a cost-effective and time-saving alternative to getting your phone repaired or replaced.
Use the following technique to remove any water in your smartphone:
- Take an airtight bag or a food bag,
- Fill it halfway with raw rice, and place the phone in it,
- Cover the device with rice, and seal the bag tightly,
- Put the bag in a dry place. Wait at least 48 hours before removing the smartphone.
Afterwards, check for any drops of water. If everything looks good, reinsert the components you removed earlier and restart your smartphone!
The “Emergency Kit” Method
Amazon has several pre-made kits intended to remove water from your phone. One of the kits we recommend is a product called ‘Nine Lives’ by PackFreshUSA.
All you have to do is place your phone inside the bag and seal the opening. Then, wait 24 hours before taking it out!
These kits contain desiccants that reduce humidity levels and absorb moisture. Are you familiar with those tiny bags in the electronic and food packaging that say “DO NOT EAT?”
Nine Lives is the exact same thing. It’s a good idea to keep these kits in the back of a cupboard, but if you’re travelling, keep in mind that you won’t be able to find these desiccant packs easily outside of the US.
If you’re going on a road trip, for example, it may be a good idea to keep desiccant packs in your bag as a first-aid kit for your gadgets if they fall into the water.
The “Air It Out” Method
If you cannot get your hands on any rice or desiccant packs, you can try airing your smartphone in a well-ventilated area.
Find a location in your home or immediate environment with good ventilation. Your primary goal is to speed up moisture evaporation from your smartphone.
You can use a fan (but again, not a heater!). However, you should first wipe down the fan blades to remove any visible dust and dirt before turning it on. This will prevent any dirty air from blowing onto your mobile phone.
In Conclusion
No matter how expensive or water-resistant your phone maybe, water still poses a risk to your device.
We know it can be a challenge to keep your phone dry at all times.
However there’s also no need to panic if you accidentally drop your phone in water, and we hope that we’ve been able to effectively teach you how to fix a touch screen phone that got wet!
While I hope that you won’t need this resource again, feel free to revisit (or share this article- thank you!) at any time if you need a refresher on the practical methods you can use to dry out a smartphone.
Just like us, smartphones consist of pretty complex anatomy. Take a close look HERE at all the vital components that make up a modern-day smartphone!